Printing and Design

TECHFUL Printing

Techful has rich experiences in providing Printing services for international brands. Our main strength is to integrate both AI Design, mechanism and electronics in fast speed. The products we've developed ranging from Leaflet, Book, Banner, Packaging and Gift Box.

The services we can offer to our customers can be divided into below categories:

A. 2D Design

     * ID Sketch and concept development
     * 2D design with Illustrator or CorelDraw
     * Cutting and Forming design
     * Mock-up printing, fabrication and evaluation

B. Add-on Electronic Design

Techful is specialized in designing and developing all kinds of paper products with Electroncis add-on. From defining product, using suitable components, designing AI, layouting, function testing, testing to integrating hardware, firmware, prototyping engineers provide full function service.

C. Manufacturing

Techful's manufacturing facilities are located in Hong Kong and China. Our main printing, plastic moulding, injection and assembly partner is HSUA TA Group. Their professions and expertise in manufacturing has been recognized by many international companies, such as Premier, Canon, Pentax, Tamron, Sanyo, Tokai, etc. They are ISO 14001 certified factories and also became Sony's Green Partner since it's always their goal to look for high-quality standard.